Meet Gopi

Hello, fellow gardener!

I am glad you are here!

Here’s what you need to know about me:

  • I planted my first vegetable garden when I was 9. I have been growing veggies on and off since then.
  • I graduated college with a minor in Botany.
  • I am a vegetarian!
  • About 2/3rd of the vegetables my family consumes come from my own garden.
  • I have a limited space for gardening- a typical suburban house with HOA restrictions.
  • I use organic ways of gardening.
  • I don’t like to splurge on the things, unless it brings much more value to me than they cost!

I started sharing my love and passion for growing vegetables with others in 2014. Since than, many of my friends, family and fans reach out to me frequently with gardening related questions. Through this site, I am hoping to provide a detailed vegetable gardening guide with pictures and videos.

Here are the questions I hope my site will help you answer:

  1. How can I grow my own vegetables organically?
  2. How can I maximize the yield from the space and sun I have available?
  3. How can I use, preserve and share the harvests from my garden?

Let me know if you have a question that I can answer, or if you like to share vegetable gardening related tip, trick or tidbit with others!

Happy Gardening!

- Gopi

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