Resources & Recommendations

Over the years, I have used many different types of fertilizers, tools and gears, to continuously improve my garden. Some items and brands worked so well that I swear by it. And for some, the money was totally down the drain!

Here is the list of items and tools that I use in my garden now and highly recommend to any fellow gardener.


Different plants require different types of nutrition at different stage of life. For best yield possible from each each plant, pay attention to plant needs and match fertilizer that fulfills those needs.

To fertilize vegetable/flower seedlings:

When transplanting Tomato and Peppers:

To fertilize growing Tomato and Peppers:

To fertilize Curry Leaf Plant:

Soil for Raised bed and Containers

Mix 1/3 of Peat Moss, 1/3 of Perlite or Vermiculite and 1/3 of compost. Mix well. Optionally, add Soil amendments from the list below.

Soil Amendments

Pest Control

Plant Ties and Support

Seeds and Seed Supplies

Garden Tools

Web Resources

Last updated: June 14th, 2020.

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