Indoor Gardening

5 Reasons why you should start your own seeds every year

Peas seedlings started in a seed starter tray with peat pellets.

The idea of starting seeds yourself might feel overwhelming if you are a new gardener or growing your vegetables for the first time. I have been there too! For years, I thought it’s very time consuming and not very cost effective. Even if I convinced myself of buying the seed starting supplies, I was not sure where to start. But let me tell you, don’t get put off by these concerns. It is not that hard and it doesn’t cost a fortune to start your seeds indoors. In fact, it is much more beneficial than buying the starter plants from …

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5 Things you need to start seeds indoors

Indoor seed starting supplies

Last spring, when I was heading out of Home Depot’s garden center with my hands full with rose bushes, I saw one of my friends at the check out counter. After a small chit-chat, I asked her what she was there for. Her cart was full of most commonly grown vegetable and herbs plants. There were easily 15 to 20 of them! I asked her why she isn’t growing her own seedlings, because it was a no brainer for me ($2.99/plant x 15 = $45.85 + Tax. I could have a bed full of plants if I invest that much …

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